
Foreground Color #eb191e

Background Color #fcfaec

Many thanks to Dennis Robinson for translating my Tutorial.

Many thanks to Franie Margot for translating my tutorial

Place the Selections in the Selection Folder

Textures in the Texture Folder

Gradients in the Gradients Folder

Presets in the Presets Folder

The rest open in psp

My image is made in Corel 2020

So there maybe changes if you work in another version of PSP

Open an image of 900 x 600-pixels

Selections / Select All

Edit / Copy Image couples_0043_lisat

Edit / Paste into Selection

Selections / Select None

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling (default)

Layers / Duplicate

Image / Mirror / Mirror Vertical

Layers / Merge / Merge Down

Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur 35.00

Layers / Duplicate

Image / Mirror / Mirror Vertical

Layers / Merge / Merge All Flatten

Effects / Plugins / Filters Unlimited / Background Designer sf10 IV

@FFG Xaggerate (default)

Layers / New Raster Layer Flood Fill / Color #fcfaec

Layers / New Mask Layer from Image (Remove Watermark)


Layers / Merge / Merge Group

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow / 0 / 0 / 60 / 30 #eb191e

Image /Add Borders / 5-pixels / Color #eb191e

Image / Add Borders / 20-pixels / Color #fcfaec

Image / Add Borders / 1-pixel / Color #eb191e

Selections / Select All

Image / Add Borders / 35-pixels / Color #fcfaec

Drop Shadow / 0 / 0 / 60 / 30 #eb191e

Selections / Invert

Effects / Plugins / Mehdi / Sorting Tiles

Selections / Promote Selection to Layer

Selections / Select None

Image / Mirror / Mirror Horizontal

Layers / Properties / Opacity 50%

Drop Shadow / 0 / 0 / 60 / 30 #eb191e

Effects / Edge Effect / Enhance

Edit / Copy / swvalentine7

Edit / Paste / as a New Layer

Do not move it

Edit / Copy / valentine_letter_mm

Edit / Paste / as a New Layer

Image / Resize 50% (no check mark in All Layers)

Image / Free Rotate

Press K / Position X: 100 / Position Y: 100

Press M to close

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow / 0 / 0 / 40 / 24 black

Edit / Copy / couples_0043_lisat

Edit / Paste as a New Layer

Press K / Position X: 650 / Position Y: 150

Press M to close

Same Drop Shadow / 0 / 0 / 40 / 24 black

Add my Watermark and your Watermark

Layers / Merge / Merge All

Resize if you wish

Hope you enjoyed making it

Mange tak for Jeres flotte variationer
